Smartphone – What do you know about its history?

The word smartphone (translation from English, smart-smart and phone-phone) is a mobile phone that allows you to carry out more actions than voice calls and sms. It can be said that its computing power is comparable to a pc or a laptop. To place ourselves, we are going to know a little more about the history of the smartphone.

First smartphone

The first smartphone in history was the IBM Simon Personal Communicator, which went on sale in 1994 although it was created in 1992 and shown as a concept product at the COMDEX expo. It seems incredible how much smartphones have evolved since then. That first smartphone integrated functions such as a world clock, calendar, calculator, calendar, email, notepad and even fax thanks to a 9600 bps modem, with an internal memory of 1 MB. It was priced at $ 899.

Smartphone IBM Simon

This smartphone only worked in 190 cities in the USA and weighed about half a kilo.

Curiously, it was not the first phone that was given the name of smartphone, since the one that got that name was the Ericsson GS88, colloquially called “Pamela”, developed in 1997. This smartphone had a 16-bit GEOS operating system from GeoWorks . It came as standard POP3 email, SMS, world clock, hands-free and integrated modem, infrared port and already introduced the browser or airplane mode among other functions.

Smartphone GS88


But … When did the real “boom” of these devices arrive? Possibly in the 2000s with the Windows Pocket PC operating system, like the ones that came from the HTC brand. These had a boom in Europe with their Wallaby, Falcon and Himalaya phones as early as 2002-2004.

But what changed the perception of what a smartphone was was an announcement of the iPhone and iOS in 2007, which revolutionized the mobile phone and smartphone industry. This gave way to Google’s Android OS.

At present, all the well-known brands of mobile phones have their series of smartphones. Apple has iPhone, Huawei has Ascend, Motorola has Defy, Nokia has Lumia, Google / Samsung has Galaxy / Nexus, HTC has One, etc.

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